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Workshop #3: Assessment of the Sustainability of Constructions in Wood Construction

Date: 16.01.2024 FORUM Architekturgebäude TU Berlin (U Ernst-Reuter-Platz)

Occasion: Wood and other renewable raw materials play a key role, although there are social reservations and economic barriers. For this workshop, we focused on economic feasibility from an ecological perspective with regard to accounting and funding options for multi-story wooden construction. The starting point is the evaluation matrix developed by TU Berlin, Fraunhofer IPK and CHORA for Tegel Project as the basis for the development of Schumacher Quartier. We are in close communication with the Tegel Project about a possible modification and also potential further use cases for the matrix.

Intention: We addressed the question of sensible ecological assessment methods of wooden buildings and drew comparisons to conventional construction. In addition, we considered current funding mechanisms such as the Bavarian timber construction funding and the KFW “Climate-Friendly New Building” funding program as subsidy options to strengthen sustainable multi-storey timber construction. We present possible concepts for the future general assessment of the sustainability of building structures. Therein lies a big potential of developing them further within a curated workshop series.

Our team is strengthened by Daniel Dieren, who played a key role in developing the concept and will manage the content of the workshop. Daniel was a structural engineer and project manager at Bollinger Grohmann Ingenieure from 2014 to 2022 and cofounded the Urban Scale Timber Scale Venture Lab at the Technical University of Munich in 2023. He was also significantly involved in the development of the evaluation matrix for the Tegel project. Certification, Life Cycle assessments and more rely on ecological assessment and evaluation. This will gain in importance in the future and is applicable not only to our test site Schumacher Quartier but any urban development in Germany.

We would like to thank all participants for their valuable contributions. The following companies and organizations were represented:

Brandschutz Akademie Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin

Scharabi Architekten

drmm studio

Knippers Helbig Ingenieure

CHORA conscious city

Tegel Projekt GmbH

Timbatec Holzbauingenieure

Fraunhofer IPK

Niil Architekten

PSD Bank

Berliner Sparkassen

Sauerbruch Hutton

Playze Timber GmbH

Deimel Oelschläger Architekten

This event takes place as part of a grant from Built by Nature.

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