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Creating a Wood-to-City Value Chain in Berlin with CSFEP

Bauhuette 4.0

Bauhütte 4.0 project, a wood-to-city value chain proposal based in Berlin-Brandenburg, commissioned by Tegel Projekt with the Senate Department for City Development (SenSW). A major focus of this project is carbon sinking in Brandenburg forests and substitution+storage in new Berliner neighborhoods. The current CSFEP breakthrough initiative represents an opportunity to fully model and analyze such Value Chain (VC) at a regional scale alongside our local partners. The forests of Brandenburg can be processed into sustainable architecture for housing in Berlin through the development of a regional industry branch in the form of a networked process chain. By involving local actors and infrastructure and considering regional characteristics such as tree population, production expertise level and structural weaknesses in the forest, a fully detailed conceptual proposal has been created to provide a roadmap for interventions well into the future.

Photo: CSFEP

Date: February - September 2022


TU Berlin

Fraunhofer IPK

CHORA Concious City




Tegel Projekt

Photos: CSFEP

Across workshops, Bauhütte 4.0 brought together people that did not know each other before. It saw forestry companies, housing associations, architects, NGOs, manufacturing companies, and policymakers discuss different pathways wood in construction in the Berlin-Brandenburg region can take. These workshops consisted of a long dialogue process where opposing viewpoints were often heard, but this resulted in the Bauhütte 4.0 understanding concerns raised by local actors across the value chain in the creation of a Community of Practice. Those committed individuals and organizations will form the seed of the ecosystem players that will be running the Community of Practice in the future.

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